Preston Family Dental Service

General Dental Services 

Preston Family Dental Clinic provides general dental services for the whole community helping to prevent, evaluate, diagnose and treat dental problems, as well as maintain the function and appearance of your teeth. We cater to the individual needs and characteristics of patients of all ages, including children, young adults, adults and seniors.

General dental services include:


  • Complete examinations, x-rays, cleaning and scaling.
  • Fillings, sealants, root canals, and extractions.
  • Cosmetic dentistry, such as whitening.
  • Implants, crowns, bridges and veneers.
  • Trauma or accident issues involving teeth.
  • Orthodontic assessments and treatments.


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Preventative Care

Many people believe regular dental assessments are merely a standard clean to keep your teeth and gums in shape, but they also provide your dentist with an opportunity to prevent problems before they occur - or to detect problems as soon as possible if they are fast becoming an issue.

We provide you with an individualised diagnosis and preventative treatment during a consultation and our dentists can demonstrate the correct oral home care procedures to you in order to prevent disease of the teeth or gums.
To maintain good oral hygiene:
  • Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and clean your tongue.
  • Floss daily.
  • Visit our clinic every six months so we can assess the current state of your oral health, as well as detect and treat any problems before they escalate. This is also an ideal time to receive a professional clean and have any plaque build-up removed.
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Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry is about improving your smile and therefore improving the way you feel about yourself. We can restore your teeth to the highest level of health and functionality with a natural look using any of the following:
  • Implants
  • Crowns and bridges
  • Veneers
  • Orthodontics
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Preventative Care
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Children's Dentistry

We specialise in all aspects of children's teeth and oral hygiene and recognise the importance of catering to the individual needs and characteristics of this age group. Our dentists are not only skilled in all aspects of childrens dentistry, they strive to make visiting the dentist a positive experience, have a friendly manner, a sense of fun and humour and considerable patience.
We specialise in the following:
  • General teeth examinations for pre-school, primary and secondary children.
  • Teach and motivate children about looking after their teeth, and also help educate parents in preventative care.
  • Cleaning and polishing.
  • X-rays.
  • Filling of cavities and extractions.
  • Decay preventing sealants to pits and fissures of teeth.
  • Trauma or accident issues involving children's teeth.
  • Cracked or chipped teeth needing crowns.
  • Orthodontic assessments and treatments.
  • Wisdom teeth assessments and extractions.
Simple steps to protect your children teeth:
  1. Remember the 5:2 Rule: Only have 5 meals a day (breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner) with water between meals. This helps the teeth naturally fight the effects of sugar and acid on the teeth. Remember it's the number of times teeth are exposed to sweet, sticky & acidic foods during the day that is important, not the amount consumed.
  2. Clean teeth 2 times a day with Fluoride toothpaste. Preferably parents should clean the teeth of very young children (babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers) and supervise older (primary school) children.
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We offer orthodontic diagnosis and treatment, prevention and treatment of problems in the alignment of teeth and jaws. 

We recommend assessments start around the age of 6 or 7 years, as this is the age when dental development problems may first start appearing. 

A proactive approach may lessen the need for orthodontic treatment later, although orthodontics can be provided to patients of any age. Treatment involves the design and use of appliances or braces to bring the teeth and jaws into alignment.

Invisalign and Clear Path Aligners

Our clinic also provides treatment in the form of 'invisible', removable aligners that are changed every two weeks for a new set. As you replace each aligner, your teeth will move little by little until they are straightened to the final position.
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Implants, Crowns and Bridges

Our dentists are passionate about this field, undergoing extensive further training in the latest techniques, and provide implants, crowns, bridges and veneer services for the whole family. 
Crowns & bridges are used to:
  • improve the appearance of the mouth.
  • prevent stress on the other teeth.
  • prevent teeth near a space shifting.
  • maintain a natural bite.
  • improve speech and chewing ability.

Implants are artificial tooth roots that are inserted into the jaw bone to replace single or multiple missing teeth. A dental implant is a titanium screw which supports a tooth replica. The implant is fused in the jaw and a porcelain tooth is attached, locking it into place. An implant and attached crown closely mimic the look and function of a real tooth.

The outside of a tooth is made of enamel, which is very hard, sometimes trauma or an accident may damage a tooth or tooth decay may have weakened a tooth. A crown in these cases is used to protect and strengthen the tooth. A porcelain crown is fitted over the existing tooth, which has been carefully prepared by the dentist.

A bridge can replace one or more missing teeth and is cemented to the natural teeth on either side of a space. The bridge is carefully tooth colour matched to the surrounding teeth, and has the appearance of a natural tooth. A dental bridge anchors one or more false teeth onto the neighbouring teeth.
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The team at Preston Family Dental Clinic provide specialised veneer services for the whole family. Our dentists are passionate about this field, undergoing extensive further training in the latest techniques.
A veneer is an ultra thin, custom made ceramic restoration that is cemented directly onto the front surface of an individual tooth and can be used to change the shape or colour of the tooth or to restore a worn or broken edge. Veneers create a natural look as they reflect light and also resist staining. Along with improving the appearance of a tooth, veneers also provide protection for damaged teeth. 
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Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

We wholeheartedly believe it's far better to save and treat a tooth that has been damaged by decay, disease or injury, where possible than to remove it.

Thanks to root canal and endodontic treatments, extracting a tooth is no longer your only option, we can treat the disease or infection found inside the tooth to save a tooth which would otherwise be extracted.

Treatment can take several appointments, depending on the condition of the tooth and if infection is present. A crown is then recommended; as a tooth undergoing this treatment may be more likely to fracture. 

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Teeth Whitening

We offer external whitening in the form of take-home bleaching kits for any of our patients concerned with the colour of their teeth, though it’s best to consult your dentist first to ensure all of your cavities are filled and your gums are in a healthy state for whitening product use.

What to expect

Some people notice a 'bubbly' sensation on the surface of their teeth, or periods of sharp pain inside a tooth while the bleaching agent is in contact with their teeth. Others notice an achy feeling in their teeth for a few days following the treatment and temporarily heightened sensitivity when biting into certain foods and consuming cold beverages. Report any painful sensations to your dentist.

Before you consider a teeth whitening treatment, review this quick checklist:


  • Have you tried other ways to whiten your teeth without a chemical treatment, like having a professional scale and clean by your dentist and maintaining good oral hygiene habits?
  • Have you consulted your dentist and had your teeth assessed for suitability?
  • Has your dentist, in their professional opinion, recommended the treatment?
  • Are you aware of the side effects associated with tooth whitening?


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